My two girls are back at school and college now. It seems so quiet without them - the cat and dog keep searching the bedrooms to see where they're hiding !!
It's been a busy few weeks again. Obviously they were both at home for seven weeks(twelve for Mickey), during which time Dave also took two weeks off. We went on various day trips such as West Midlands Safri Park and Llandudno and generally enjoyed our little 'staycation'. Micky had two weeks on a work placement that she earned on a school project, she also had her GCSE results through - 22 GCSE's !!!!!!!! She was featured in the local papers and on TV. Well done gorgeous girl !!
Lucy - my gorgeous ten year old went back to school today into year six - the final year of primary. My baby is growing up !! I'm really, really going to miss having her with me.
We've had horrible roadworks all over our road for a few weeks now with no immediate end in sight. The worst part is that the changes to our road are only going to make things worse - it's being done as part of the safety plans for Lucy's school but it's a terrible idea.
And I've spent about ten days being ill - we thought it might have been swine flu but I think it was just the regular kind. So I'm feeling pretty sorry for myself still :-(
So back to my studying too now.
Archaeology, volcanoes, tsunamis and earthquakes !!
3 weeks ago